For 4 years, she complained about her husband not doing anything right. From being too slow, to not being man enough, to not being aggressive like other men, to not hustling enough for more money, to not being a risk taker.

She listened to her aunt’s voice over the voices of reasonings. She dumped her husband and moved out with their children to join her aunt who fed her with feminism nonsense.

She did not believe in anyone’s suggestion outside that of her aunt. She took the children away from their father and never allowed him have access to them.

Her single never-married before aunty completed the village-assignment on her. It was the same aunty that told her after 2 years that she cannot be looking after bastards forever as she too has her life to live.

If she was able to manage to work before to fend for the 3 children, the aunty bailing out complicated her matter. Yet, she refused to accept the husband she would not submit to until the 4th year that the husband stopped begging.

Life happened to her and she physically aged up when the children started misbehaving and disappearing into the world.

Father left the UK and resettled in the US after 7 years. The man decided to start a mature family elsewhere before it got too late for him. He is on child number 3 in peace with another woman.

One Pastor got a call from the lady that ran to Ireland this morning. She said ‘I am back’.

One Pastor: I am back sibo?

Runaway Wife: I am back to the UK. Long live the King.

One Pastor: Ahh, e kaabo. Oooto ni. Queen le fi sho ile lo, King le ba ni ile. So ibo le wa?

Runaway Wife: Ah, sir, I stay somewhere in the North East sir.

One Pastor: Eyin Tyneside niyen. Where in NE? Durham? Gateshead, Northumberland, Newcastle? Sunderland?

Runaway Wife: (Smiled) I know you know everywhere. I am not really settled totally for now. So it is hard to say precisely where I am.

One Pastor: (Thinking in his heart that she was talking in codes) No problem. I understand. Shey e sha wa ok? How are the kids? So you have left Ireland patapata niyen?

Runaway Wife: It is well o. It is because of the children I am calling too.

One Pastor: Hope all is well?

Runaway Wife: Well, I have been trying Niyi (Dumped Husband) for some time but to no avail. I thought it will be best for him to meet with his children…been a while. I know pe o love awon omo e gan but mistakes happened. I don’t want to apportion blames now as this is not the right time. We both made mistakes and some decisions were taken in the best interest of the children. Anyway, I don’t know if you have his contact. I believe he blocked me or that he changed his number….hello…

One Pastor: Yeah, I am here. Go on.

Runaway Wife: Ah, ok sir. I was just wondering boya you are still in contact with Niyi. Awon omo e so pe won fe ri daddy one, and I thought it won’t be good if I don’t make that happen.

One Pastor. Hmmmm….after 11 years.

Runaway Wife: I know. I know. Ojo o ki npe o. Just like that.

One Pastor: I hope you know that the snail you put down at the spot you are right now will not remain at the same spot for 10 years.

Runaway Wife: I don’t understand sir.

One Pastor: Okay, let me get this right. Tell me the truth. You are in a B&B or one kind of hostel or temporary shelter? Yeah?

Runaway Wife: Wow. Technically true sir. It is like a shelter. Just temporary for now. Council promised to get us something asap.

One Pastor: Alright. You are having trouble with your children and you hope that the presence of their father might probably help rein in on them as they have caused you so much trouble.

Runaway Wife: (Brokedown sobbing) I have been trying to hold this. Please sir, I am overwhelmed. I don’t know what to do sir. One trouble after the other ni. I don’t know what to do sir.

One Pastor: So who advised you to take the children back to their father? After 10 years? Who told you they will recognise him or listen to him? Who will cleanse them of the poison you fed them with?

Runaway Wife: (Cried more) I didn’t poison them. I did nothing of such. God is my witness.

One Pastor: Sis Seun, I am sorry to break this to you. I could not defend you any longer after 7 years you left your matrimonial home. I just heard one day that Niyi relocated to the US and he broke off contact with everyone. Last time I heard anything about him was the naming party of his 3rd child. That was 2 years ago. Maybe 3.

Runaway Wife: E duro naa, wait sir, ki le so? Niyi fe’yawo mi? Laiye laiye. He can’t do that. We are still married? Why didn’t he follow me to Ireland? Why didn’t he force me to know where we were? Why didn’t he make the effort? He can’t remarry o. I am still his wife. What about his children? What do I tell them?

One Pastor: Hey sister, please, stop that. I didn’t say he remarried, but I know he held a party for his 3rd born child. I didn’t say he married another wife. Moreover, what rubbish did you say about still being his wife? You divorced yourself from him back then. Under the law, you are as good as divorced. You laid the bed, go sleep on it. I don’t know what you will tell the children. They are full blown teenagers now, they will heckle you and make life more miserable for you…especially when they find out the truth.

Runaway Wife: Ah, this is not good..this cannot be true sir. Please, I want to see you sir. If you give me your address now I will come straight to Huddersfield.

One Pastor: Give you what? I am not settled too oh. This world is not my home. In fact, I am planning my own Japa to another country like New Zealand or Kiribati Island. I want to take missionary work seriously. So I am not totally permanently settled in Huddersfield.

Runaway Wife: Ha Pastor, e mase bayi sir. Don’t do this to me. I know I made mistake. I need help. I need a place to settle down so I can figure things out. I (cuts in)

One Pastor: What happened to your aunty? Aunty so pe, aunty so pe. What happened? What do you want to figure out in 10 years that you have not figured out with your aunty?

Runaway Wife: (Sobbed more) This is my cross. I made a mistake, but I was just trying to improve the situation but Niyi wouldn’t….

One Pastor: (Screaming) Shut up in Jesus name. Shut up. Shuuuuut up that nonsense you called lips. Have you forgotten all you said? If you mention Niyi again I will call you bad names and cut the call.

Runaway Wife: I am sorry sir. I am sorry. I am so sorry.

One Pastor: Wow. So you can say sorry plenty times like this. I remember when you said I should respect myself and stay with my 2H. Well you should be more sober asking God for forgiveness for ruining a marriage, breaking a home, destroying the lives of the children, and pushing your husband to go against what he vowed never to do in the first instance, you are here trying to justify your foolish selfishness.

Runaway Wife: Please sir what can I do? I want to see him. Just for us to talk and iron things out. Please sir I will like to come and see you sir. Even in church, I just want to see you.

One Pastor: Sis Seun, I am sorry, you have a pastor in Ireland, go and see him. You can also get a new one where you are, go and see that one. I can’t help you. I lost contact with your former husband and I

Runaway Wife: (Still Sobbing) Niyi is still my husband in Jesus name, no one can take him from him…

One Pastor: Please let me finish. You are a strong woman. You don’t need a man. You can survive on your own. The system is there to support abused women like you. Remember you told me that. In this case, you were not abused. So, take advantage of the system as you intended and be the strong woman you have always claimed to be.

Runaway Wife: Ah, are you going to leave me like this? (Sobbing) Am I going to keep suffering like this?

One Pastor: I can help you only in prayers. Silver or gold…I have none…what I have is God’s mercy and love for you. May God show you mercy over those children. I have nothing else to offer your marriage. Niyi cut me off for a reason best known to him, and I wish to respect that. I can’t go digging up a painful history that was buried on purpose. Call his family members and may be the one you least abused.

Runaway Wife: (Sobbing) I don’t know who to call among them sir. I need your help. Can you help me reach out to my parents in law if they have his number? Please sir.

One Pastor cuts call.
One Pastor saved the number and blocked it.
One Pastor sets phone to ‘Do Not Disturb’ 24 hrs.
One Pastor sets favourites to all known contacts.
One Pastor sets favourites to all church contacts.
One Pastor sets ‘Call Forward’ to all other callers to another number.
One Pastor grabs cold Afrimalt and a hot pie.

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