Happy 49th Wedding Anniversary to my dad and mum – Felix and Felicia Ajewole.

Thank you for your exemplary marital pairing that still makes me believe you are somehow fraternally related on the other side before showing up here on earth.

Your friendship and soul connection were practically lived out for us to see.

You lived your lives so open to us yet so closely knitted together that our efforts to intrude your rank failed over and over.

I still remember the day we children vigorously ‘ministered’ to mummy and psyched her up not to surrender her N50K Naira gift to the family pocket, but share it among us her children.

We thought keeping mummy away from daddy the whole day would do. We preached and polluted her mind with exaggerated planned expenses of daddy that would wipe out the money should he know of it.

All we did was to go for church youth fellowship programme, and all our efforts for that day went into the drain within 2 hours.

As we walked down the-then rugged street, we saw this husband and wife sat on a bench gisting and laughing outside the house. I remember turning my neck towards my siblings saying ‘our money is gone’.

You both laughed and mocked us for trying to sabotage your pairing. That day, daddy said ‘it was just the 2 of us before you guys came, and it will be the 2 of us when you are done with this house. So how can you tenants separate us?’

That word has been in my heart ever since. If we your children were only tenants in your love life, I knew nothing else would ever come in-between you.

I use this moment to celebrate you both, and I pray for more greater years of bliss ahead of you. You taught us well. Thank you.

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