The reason I am doing all these? Most people don’t have a clue what pastors are daily exposed to.

Most have no idea what they hear over phone calls or texts.

Some people wondered why some pastors can’t look for career jobs to do rather than go into full time ministry.

Some people think that full time pastors don’t really do anything. I laugh.

Well, sorry, before you call any pastor lazy, ask yourself if you are at work and people in your congregation start inundating you with calls.

Don’t condemn pastors doing their work full time. They are on 24 hrs call duty. Have you ever been called by someone at 5am to ask for phone contact of a washing machine repairer?

Yeah, that’s what some pastors get. I got that last Friday. 2 tests followed, and 2 other calls followed by 8:30am when I was still chasing after my boy to get him ready for school.

Yet, pastors are expected to respond calmly to all these without losing their sanity.

If all pastors can pen down their experiences from the counselling table, you will choke. I am still a baby in that regard compared to many.

The only grace I have is that my many years of ‘secretaryship’ trained me to pick all words said during meetings. I learnt well. My wife also helped me with a disciplined mind of record keeping.

Trust me if I told you that I can pull out our conversation of 20 years ago and I wont stray too far from it.

I just pray that most couples out there will take a step back from their aggressions towards each other, they should do all to heal together.

Take off your pride, humble yourselves, and do the parts recommended to you. That way, less trouble for pastors to face.

More pastors will be needed in the next 5 to 10 years when the current Generation Z and Alpha (Late 90s to 2012) we are currently raising are fully transitioned into their marriageable era.

The ones causing most troubles now at the home front are the Millennial babies of 80s up to 95.

Missed calls this morning alone. Imagine you are in a board room giving report on your department? Imagine you are a lecturer, a doctor, banker, lawyer, teacher and etc

Let the pastors breathe. That we have some indabosky and other actors all over the place does not mean there are no Timothy, Titus, Aquila and Priscilla that are faithfully serving.

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